The Metronome Project
To what are you giving your time and energy? What are you creating in YOUR world with YOUR thoughts? In a sense, the world really does revolve around you. It constantly swirls with the energetic frequency of your thoughts and feelings. These are the magnets in your life that attract or repel everything in your life.
All of life attempts to join you with similar vibrations. This isn’t some magic thing or a line of BS. It’s based on the laws of physics. Have you ever seen the short video of 32 metronomes that synchronize to be in time? Take a minute to watch the video below. I think you’ll be amazed.
Maybe your concern is money and your constant thought is “I hate being broke.” Your thoughts and feelings focus on the concept of “broke” … lack or not enough. A change in thought will change the frequency around you and allow money to flow more easily. A better statement would simply be “I always have more than enough.” This doesn’t make any huge statement that can’t align with your subconscious. It simply states “enough and then some”.
When you start with something small and see it happen/change, it creates a foundation upon which to place your next change of belief and now you are building a different life for yourself. What thoughts can you change today that will change your world?