
Craving the Quiet

We are living in a world which demands that our body is on high alert almost all the time.  The consciousness of mankind is bombarded by stimulus every waking moment.  We process more data/noise in an hour than our grandparents might have processed in a month.  When does the body have a chance to shut down from this, regenerate and seek to balance itself?

We need the down time, and yet we rarely take it.  We say we are too busy and yet our busy-ness is creating a stress level that our ancestors would have found unbearable.  Actually, our bodies do find it unbearable.  Our high stress levels are contributing to a lack of wellness which is driving us to be consumers of medical treatment and medication at a far higher rate than ever before.

When was the last time you scheduled an hour a week for yourself?  When was the last time you turned off your phone and allowed your body, mind, and soul to take time off from the world and seek its own sense of balance and harmony?

When we breathe deep … into our belly … we allow oxygen to reach every area of our lungs and we stimulate the vagus nerve which, in turn, helps to stimulate a relaxation response.  Did you know the vagus nerve is one of the most critical in our body?  It helps to turn off the fight/flight response we tend to live under and allows the rest/digest response to initiate.  This place of rest is where our body can once again seek to find balance and its own healing.  Living in stress prohibits our body from finding this place of self-healing … which is its natural design.  Is it any wonder we, as a people, are sick and tired and suffering from immune disorders and chronic pain?

The health of the vagus nerve is also important for our mental health.  It determines how we handle stress and our stress level can contribute to our mood.  Emotional health isn’t just in heads … our physical well-being contributes to our emotional/mental well-being which comes back around to our physical health and continues in the circle.

Some of the health benefits of relaxation are listed below (Source: Mayo Clinic)

  • Slowing heart rate
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Slowing your breathing rate
  • Improving digestion
  • Maintaining normal blood sugar levels
  • Reducing the activity of stress hormones
  • Increasing blood flow to major muscles
  • Reducing muscle tension and chronic pain
  • Improving concentration and mood
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Lowering fatigue
  • Reducing anger and frustration
  • Boosting confidence to handle problems

Our bodies are craving the quiet and our lack of wellness is the body’s way of screaming at us to take care of self.  Are you listening?  If not … will you listen?

More about the vegus nerve in these articles …

12 Ways to Unlock the Power of the Vagus Nerve
Vagus Nerve

Affiliate Information

Any product I link to is something that my family ACTUALLY uses or has tried, and the opinions stated are definitely my own. Many of the links on our pages will be affiliate links. This means some posts have links to products used by myself or my family. When you click through and choose to buy the product, it doesn’t change the price for you at all, and I may earn a small commission.  I will most likely go crazy with all that money and buy some coffee or a book! Thank you for supporting my website. If you have more questions about my affiliate relationships, feel free to contact me.

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Assisting Clients World-Wide

In the past few years, I have been honored to work with clients on almost every continent … just one more to go (Antarctica).  Distance truly doesn’t matter!  With the help of modern communications technology, we are able to work together no matter where you are in the world.  Who knows, maybe someday I’ll even work with someone on the space station or the moon!  Sessions are available by email, phone, or video.


You must be over the age of 18 and/or the parent or legal guardian of someone in order to request a session for them. I ask those who wish to work with me to take full responsibility for their healing journey. I also ask you to be prepared to make changes in your life to lift yourself up to your highest vibrational possibilities of joy and happiness.

The services offered through this website are not intended to, and should never be a substitute for legal, financial, psychological, or medical advice or consultation. No legal, financial, psychological, or medical advice is given in my sessions. I am not a licensed health care provider (nor do I have any medical qualifications). I do not diagnose, treat, prescribe, heal, or cure any illnesses, physical or mental health conditions. I do not provide mental health support, advice on relationship issues, or provide emotional support, guidance or treatment.

I reserve the right to refuse or cancel a purchase if the request is outside of my ethical boundaries or scope of practice. In such instances, my maximum liability to you will be a full refund of the amount which you have paid for the relevant item. Aside from this, no refunds will be issued.

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