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    Darkness to Light

    My house is quiet as it’s early and everyone else is still asleep.  It’s not all that cold this morning, but I decided to use the fireplace as a focal point for meditation.  The fire just started talking with its sizzling, crackling, and popping.  The little white lights on our holiday tree add to the peaceful feeling. During this Season of Lights, we reflect on the growing darkness as we approach the time of Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year.  In about a week, the days will begin to lengthen once again.  This ongoing cycle reminds us that darkness is but “for a time.” When the days grow…

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    Lilacs, Aprons, & Teacups: A Few of My Favorite Things

    Like many, when I think about or work with my favorite things, I don’t feel so bad (yep, pretty much the same idea as in the movie The Sound of Music).  And it’s all about taking time to think about what I enjoy because my spirit is renewed when I take time to reflect and reconnect with my thoughts and dreams. I grew up in northern Illinois and everywhere we lived had lilacs … I love the smell of fresh lilacs … no perfume but the real deal.  They were always planted right outside bedroom windows and their fragrant aroma would waft in on cool spring mornings when the windows were open.…

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    Happiness and Health: The Two Most Important Things in Life

    The world appears to be obsessed with money and material things.   Keeping up appearances … the size of your house, the type of car you drive, and even where you travel on your holidays … has many folks trying to do one better do their friends and family.  I find this sad and disheartening. I have a friend who is like those mentioned above.  His thoughts are consumed with money.  He is always talking about money … how to earn it, how to spend it, how much he doesn’t have, how much “so and so” makes, all the things he’ll change when he wins the lottery, etc. He spends more on…

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    How I Do Sessions by Email

    Curious about email sessions? Yes, they’re a real and wonderful option! The beauty of energy healing is that it knows no bounds, connecting us across distances without the need for physical presence. This principle is at the heart of my business, allowing me to support clients globally from the comfort of their (and my) home. One of the joys of email sessions is the undivided attention I can give to your specific needs and concerns, offering personalized guidance precisely when you need it. This flexibility fits beautifully around my family life, too. How does this work? You select the kind of session you want (for more information about sessions, see…

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    Angels at WalMart

    While others seem to have negative experiences with people at WalMart, it seems to be where angels show up for me.  It happened again yesterday when I was out grabbing groceries. We’d been putting off a grocery run for about a week due to other activities but couldn’t delay it anymore.  I’d already stopped at Aldi and picked up most of the things but needed to pop in at the Walmart Neighborhood Market for a few fresh fruits and veggies that Aldi didn’t have.  I stay away from the big Walmart, but this little market is always pleasant and it’s on my way home from Aldi. As I finished picking…

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    Cord Cutting

    First, a bit about entanglement or cords: Our energy field can look something like this mass of electrical wires in the photo. Quantum (Energetic) Entanglement is the concept that two people, no matter how physically far apart they may be, can still be connected by an invisible cord of energy. The space between you and any other person/object may appear empty, but it is full of energy. You have living energy, your spouse or partner has energy, the lamp has electrical energy, and even the sofa has potential energy. The energy in the spaces between generally just passes through the other energy. It slides by without causing more than a wrinkle.…

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    I Promise …

    For many people, taking a vow or an oath sticks with them … even after it no longer serves its purpose.  This can be especially true when you have been married and are now divorced.  Several clients recently had “vows” come up to be cleared during sessions as they were creating imbalances due to limiting beliefs. I often work with women, and many of these women have been married and divorced.  Yet the commitment they made during their wedding vows continued to impact them in a big way.  During traditional marriage vows, we promise to stay with the other person in sickness and health, rich or poor.  We additionally promise…

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    What Is A Heart Wall?

    The heart is actually the core of our being; it is the center of our soul, the seat of the subconscious mind, and our creativity. Past experiences such as disappointment, shock, abandonment, heartbreak, fear, or loss of a loved one, can lead to a build-up of trapped emotions. When these trapped emotions are layered around the heart and in the heart’s energy field, it creates an energetic block or wall. In an effort to protect this vital part of ourselves, this collection of trapped emotions is used as the building material to create a “bomb shelter” like structure. The heart is regarded as the central hub of our being, influencing…

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    Cultural Programming or Dreams

    There was a time not that long ago when most folks were entrepreneurs.  Many were farmers as we lived in an agrarian society.  Communities were small and shops locally owned.  Children went into the family business or learned a different skill/trade and went into business for themselves.  People, in general, were doing what they felt called to do. Then industrialization came along, and people were needed for the factories.  Students were taught from an early age to sit and follow directions.  Creative thought and expression were often thwarted and those who didn’t fit the prescribed mold were admonished.  There wasn’t much room for individual creativity or dreams. Corporations grew and…

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    No! I Don’t “Got It”!

    During my session yesterday with an energy healer (yes, I still work on myself), something came up that I want to share with you. I used the phrase “I got it” a couple of times and later was talking about picking up the physical pains of my clients before a session (both in-person and remote/distance).  Lori, my practitioner, asked me if I use that phrase often.  I kind of do as it covers a lot of different bases during conversations. Lori suggested I find other words as we typically don’t want to “get” what other people have.  I’ll be honest, I hadn’t ever thought about it and I think about…

Affiliate Information

Any product I link to is something that my family ACTUALLY uses or has tried, and the opinions stated are definitely my own. Many of the links on our pages will be affiliate links. This means some posts have links to products used by myself or my family. When you click through and choose to buy the product, it doesn’t change the price for you at all, and I may earn a small commission.  I will most likely go crazy with all that money and buy some coffee or a book! Thank you for supporting my website. If you have more questions about my affiliate relationships, feel free to contact me.

Transgender Safe Space

LGBTQ+ Friendly

Assisting Clients World-Wide

In the past few years, I have been honored to work with clients on almost every continent … just one more to go (Antarctica).  Distance truly doesn’t matter!  With the help of modern communications technology, we are able to work together no matter where you are in the world.  Who knows, maybe someday I’ll even work with someone on the space station or the moon!  Sessions are available by email, phone, or video.


You must be over the age of 18 and/or the parent or legal guardian of someone in order to request a session for them. I ask those who wish to work with me to take full responsibility for their healing journey. I also ask you to be prepared to make changes in your life to lift yourself up to your highest vibrational possibilities of joy and happiness.

The services offered through this website are not intended to, and should never be a substitute for legal, financial, psychological, or medical advice or consultation. No legal, financial, psychological, or medical advice is given in my sessions. I am not a licensed health care provider (nor do I have any medical qualifications). I do not diagnose, treat, prescribe, heal, or cure any illnesses, physical or mental health conditions. I do not provide mental health support, advice on relationship issues, or provide emotional support, guidance or treatment.

I reserve the right to refuse or cancel a purchase if the request is outside of my ethical boundaries or scope of practice. In such instances, my maximum liability to you will be a full refund of the amount which you have paid for the relevant item. Aside from this, no refunds will be issued.

© 2024 | Debi Goldben – The Tinker’s Moon | All Rights Reserved