
Angels at WalMart

While others seem to have negative experiences with people at WalMart, it seems to be where angels show up for me.  It happened again yesterday when I was out grabbing groceries.

We’d been putting off a grocery run for about a week due to other activities but couldn’t delay it anymore.  I’d already stopped at Aldi and picked up most of the things but needed to pop in at the Walmart Neighborhood Market for a few fresh fruits and veggies that Aldi didn’t have.  I stay away from the big Walmart, but this little market is always pleasant and it’s on my way home from Aldi.

As I finished picking up the last of the veggies, I glimpsed an electric cart out of the corner of my eye and heard the lady say, “I’m not very good at this and don’t want to run into you.”  I let her know she was not close enough to clip me and we shared a smile as I started to walk away.  She stopped me with “If you have a minute, I have something for you.”  I had plenty of time and turned around.  Her bright blue eyes and big smile greeted me.  She had lovely red hair and a feeling of peace radiated all about her.

I moved my cart out of the way and went over to where she sat on the electric cart.  She asked if I like butterflies and I said, “Oh, yes.”  Then she picked up her purse and retrieved a small plastic ziplock bag from it.  As she pulled it out of the little bag to show me, she told me a quick story of how she used to crochet butterflies and had sent about 3000 of them all over the world.  She said she’d recently had a stroke and couldn’t crochet anymore so she now gave out 3D butterflies … it’s about 2″ square with a magnet on the back and has 2 layers so one can be bent slightly forward to give it the added dimension.  It is a lovely little magnet.

As she finished, another brilliant smile crossed her face and she said: “It’s just a way for you to remember God loves you whenever you see it.”

I immediately thought of my previous WalMart angel encounter and my eyes started to mist over with liquid love (you can read about an earlier experience here).  I hugged her and, of course, said: “thank you.”   We shared the normal “have a good weekend” things and she was on her way.  She didn’t disappear this time as my other angel did.  This little lady was an angel in human form  … you just never know where they are going to be.

In the post linked above, I desperately needed the angel’s message.  This time, though, it was different.  I’m not desperately searching for anything.  It was just a friendly reminder of, “Yes, we’re here.  We’re everywhere.”

I believe angels are God’s messengers and helpers, and I ask them to be present in everything I do.  There is no way I could do everything I do without them and it’s nice to know that they follow me … even to Walmart to get groceries.



  • Sheila

    What a beautiful story! Angels are everywhere and you are so blessed to have an interaction like this. I enjoy doing angel card readings and feel they are always trying to interact with us and give us God’s messages.

  • Alyssa

    what a beautiful story!
    I had something similar happen me while I was working retail last year. A really kind lady came in and her, my co worker and I all got to chatting. While she was cashing out, she was getting change to pay and a small silver confetti angel fell out of her coin purse. She said she keeps them with her and gives them to people as they fall out, and that she gives them to those that need them.
    My dad had passed away 2 years ago at that point and I was really missing him. She handed me the angel and I felt such peace.
    It’s nice to hear stories like that!

    • Admin

      Thank you, Alyssa, for sharing your story. Yes, angels are all around us as long as we are willing to see them. So sorry your dad is no longer here on Earth. Be assured he is watching and you can talk to him any time.

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