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    My Angel Journey

    It all began with a simple prayer whispered by my grandma, a prayer invoking the protection of my Guardian Angel. Yet, it wasn’t until many years later, amidst the storms of life, that the angels made their presence known to me in a profound way. It was a time of darkness and uncertainty, marked by a recent divorce and job loss, when a chance encounter at a Wal-Mart parking lot changed everything. A kind-hearted stranger, with a gentle demeanor, uttered words that pierced through my despair, sparking a newfound sense of hope and optimism. In her fleeting presence, I felt the touch of divinity, a reminder that amidst life’s trials,…

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    What is Business Clearing?

    Your business is a separate entity from you. Even the government sees it as separate from the “owner” and taxes it accordingly. It is a Spiritual Entity and holds the thoughts, emotions, and spiritual energy of the business. A great deal of our time is spent thinking, worrying, and emotionally focused on the business. Your business was conceived and birthed. It has a life of its own and holds hopes and dreams, worries and concerns … just like a person. Businesses absorb energy but cannot clear themselves Also just like a person, every business has a measurable energy level that accumulates negativity which can create obstacles and block its success.…

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    In Need of Quiet Distraction

    You know how every once in a while (or maybe more like all the time) you have song lyrics continually running through your head? No matter what you do, they just don’t seem to stop … even at night when you’re trying to sleep. Do you ever have troublesome thoughts that do the same thing? Me too! Last night and this morning I found myself in that boat. I knew it was time to let someone move on from being part of my life but just couldn’t seem to let go. I kept going back over why we needed to stay in touch and how I needed to be there…

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    What Are You Aware Of?

    It seems like every week and month we’re exposed to (or bombarded with?) new Awareness Campaigns. The internet has connected, and educated, us with ever-increasing speed and depth. Because of awareness campaigns we know more about brain injury, the need for clean water (both domestically and throughout the world, the importance of net neutrality, and how to support people with cancer. We can take action and be a part of the causes we care about. This awareness can also be overwhelming. It can be tough to choose which causes to support, and in that deluge of need, we may choose to support nothing. Or we burn ourselves out supporting everything.…

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    3 Easy Random Acts of Kindness

    February 18 is the start of Random Acts of Kindness Week. Their website is packed with great ideas on how to celebrate, and I especially love the approach of committing a random act of kindness for three different people: Someone you don’t know Someone you know Yourself Someone you don’t know This is pretty simple and can quickly become a habit. (That could be a good thing!) Smile. When you’re in a depressingly long line at the bank, watching a parent deal with their toddler’s public meltdown, or sitting next to another car in traffic. A kind grin goes a long way when you’re feeling a bit hopeless about the…

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    Have You Checked Your “Feel Good” Barometer?

    Have you taken the time to check your “Feel Good” barometer?  On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being awful and 10 being great), how would you answer this question … How good do I feel? Some people say things like “oh … well … I have a little pain or discomfort, but it’s not too bad.”  On the above scale, where would you place the level of that discomfort?  Many folks brush off these regular discomforts without realizing that excess or stuck energy may be the reason for that pain/discomfort.  It’s all relative to the person in pain; however, I think anything 5 or below to be…

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    5 Tips for Surviving the Holidays

    The holidays can be kind of weird.  Despite all the ‘Most Wonderful Time of the Year’ jingles, it’s the toughest time of the year for many people. Some people over-commit to family, friends, volunteer tasks … they find themselves over-scheduled and unable to actually enjoy the season. Some of us dread the inevitable, obligatory socializing and the pressure of being ‘on’.  Some of us are grieving. Here are a few less-typical Holiday Survival Tips.  Some of them are brilliant.  Some of them are not. But maybe you’ll find a nugget in here. Ditch obligations Just because you’ve always gone to Aunt Sue’s for Christmas Eve doesn’t mean you always have to.…

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    Craving the Quiet

    We are living in a world which demands that our body is on high alert almost all the time.  The consciousness of mankind is bombarded by stimulus every waking moment.  We process more data/noise in an hour than our grandparents might have processed in a month.  When does the body have a chance to shut down from this, regenerate and seek to balance itself? We need the down time, and yet we rarely take it.  We say we are too busy and yet our busy-ness is creating a stress level that our ancestors would have found unbearable.  Actually, our bodies do find it unbearable.  Our high stress levels are contributing…

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    My Connection to Animals

    I grew up on a farm in northern Illinois and my family trained and showed Quarter Horses. I was very active in 4-H and participated in both the equine and canine project areas. My children were also actively involved in 4-H showing dogs and rabbits. My daughter and I raised Mini Rex rabbits and were able to travel throughout the US showing them. I originally studied massage therapy in 2005, but unexpected family matters required me to withdraw from the program prior to completing my final semester. In the fall of 2007, a friend in Maryland mentioned she was studying animal massage and I knew immediately that it was something…

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    Morning Peacefulness

    For the past few weeks, I’ve been using some personal affirmations, elemental/directional statements, parts of the Prayer of St. Francis, and paraphrases of the Reiki Principles during my meditation.  It helps me focus my meditation and provides positive statements for my mind to dwell on.  And it’s made a big difference in my mental outlook in just a few short weeks. I’ve had time over the past few days to listen to some Abraham Hicks sound clips on YouTube … you gotta love the wealth of information that’s on YouTube.  Anyway, I’m working on a short list of meaningful statements to use during my devotional time which will allow me…

Affiliate Information

Any product I link to is something that my family ACTUALLY uses or has tried, and the opinions stated are definitely my own. Many of the links on our pages will be affiliate links. This means some posts have links to products used by myself or my family. When you click through and choose to buy the product, it doesn’t change the price for you at all, and I may earn a small commission.  I will most likely go crazy with all that money and buy some coffee or a book! Thank you for supporting my website. If you have more questions about my affiliate relationships, feel free to contact me.

Transgender Safe Space

LGBTQ+ Friendly

Assisting Clients World-Wide

In the past few years, I have been honored to work with clients on almost every continent … just one more to go (Antarctica).  Distance truly doesn’t matter!  With the help of modern communications technology, we are able to work together no matter where you are in the world.  Who knows, maybe someday I’ll even work with someone on the space station or the moon!  Sessions are available by email, phone, or video.


You must be over the age of 18 and/or the parent or legal guardian of someone in order to request a session for them. I ask those who wish to work with me to take full responsibility for their healing journey. I also ask you to be prepared to make changes in your life to lift yourself up to your highest vibrational possibilities of joy and happiness.

The services offered through this website are not intended to, and should never be a substitute for legal, financial, psychological, or medical advice or consultation. No legal, financial, psychological, or medical advice is given in my sessions. I am not a licensed health care provider (nor do I have any medical qualifications). I do not diagnose, treat, prescribe, heal, or cure any illnesses, physical or mental health conditions. I do not provide mental health support, advice on relationship issues, or provide emotional support, guidance or treatment.

I reserve the right to refuse or cancel a purchase if the request is outside of my ethical boundaries or scope of practice. In such instances, my maximum liability to you will be a full refund of the amount which you have paid for the relevant item. Aside from this, no refunds will be issued.

© 2024 | Debi Goldben – The Tinker’s Moon | All Rights Reserved